Past the midway point, our little poobear has is now 7 months. I wish I could say how much she weighs and her length but we haven't taken her measurements yet. And we'll have to do it on our own because she doesn't have to return to the pediatrician until she's 9 months. So, I'll post that soon. This is a picture of Eva's new tutu from (lurve that website). And I can't wait to make her next tutu, its looks so easy to do.

But, the big difference at 7 months is the appearance of two bottom teeth(central incisors)coming up! And they are some sharp little guys! Teethers, cold wash-cloths, cold vegetables, the great teether from Aunt Sarah & Liz, and just about anything is in her mouth at all times it seems. She even ran a low grade fever for about 3 days in the evening. But the worst of the pain seems to be over; once teeth break through the skin, it doesn't hurt so much according to the internet.
Besides that, Eva is sitting up on her own but still not trustworthy to leave alone unsupported on anything except the safety of comfy carpet. However, she is now sitting up in a restaurant highchair and in a store cart. She seems to be very happy being a big girl, out of her carseat when we go anywhere.
She prefers to of course be on her hands and knees when playing with toys or even better - standing up holding on to something. Her new favorite and cutest thing is when she pulls herself up to standing and then releases one arm out to you as if saying, "hey, you wanna hold my hand?"
Her favorite toys include plastic shells, piano, playskool play favorites poppin' pals, and the old-fashioned mirror. She really likes her fisher price activity table and her baby einstein jumper/exesaucer. I think I know where I should buy stock from next... Favorite games are peek-a-boo and having tickle games with mom and dad. She still really enjoys just staring and laughing at Mia and KB, especially when the animals "play" together.
Eva is on a wonderful and glorious schedule that I thought I would dread but it really has made my life so much simpler and peaceful. Eva seems to really like the consistency as well (Thank you ,Shannon). This schedule was based on cousin Maddux's when he was the same age:
7:00 -Wake up, 6-8 oz bottle
9:00 to 10:00 morning nap
11:00 6-8 oz bottle
12:00 Lunch small serving fruit or veg/cereal
1:00 to 3:00 afternoon nap
3:00 6-8 oz bottle
4:00 2 oz. juice with sippy cup
5:00 dinner small serving fruit or veg /cereal
6:30 start bathtime, pjs, read a book
7:00 6-8oz bottle, then bed
She is becoming much much better eating with a spoon. Eva loves her puffs and has mastered the "pincher" technique which is more advanced than the "grat". Yes, these are very technical terms. She seems to eat almost any fruit or veggie we try. We tried mixing her food with oatmeal instead of rice cereal and she seemed to really like that. Sometimes her teeth are so sore, she refuses to eat and just wants to chew the rubbery spoon. ;(
She is beginning to say da da da da da so I'm thinking her first word will be dada instead of moma.
The picture below is Eva's first time in the baby swing at the park.....and it turns out that if you take your baby to the park in a yellow,sear-sucker romper then you obviously have a boy...yes, this prompted me in getting Eva the pink tutu with flower headband....

Eva will hopefully be going to mother's day out on mondays at Christ Methodist. We are going today to turn in our paperwork! I think it will help me (and Jay) out to just have a day off to run errands, go to MD appt/dentist, and oh yeah...relax before I head back to work in the Fall. I also think that from watching Eva at mommy group on wed. that she enjoys "talking" and interacting with the other babies. Our friend Alissa is a teacher at Christ Methodist and we've heard nothing but great things about the school so I don't have any concerns for her safety. She might pick up a few germs but that will also be a good thing to help build that immune system more.
Hopefully, Eva will have another cousin anyday now! Liz is now only 6 days and Shannon is 15 days from her due date.