Monday, March 15, 2010

Schedule Please

After 6 months of letting Eva "snack nurse," I realize that Eva is still on a "very flexible" schedule. The only problem with that is that I realize just how much easier my life could be if I knew at what times she'd be hungry,sleepy,etc. It's a little nerve wracking to agree to a lunch date not knowing if your baby is going to have a meltdown b/c she's overly tired. Plus, she's got to be tired as well. I think my problem is that I'm out running errands and we run into "nap time" so she gets that 20 minute cat nap in and then of course there's no falling asleep after that. Also, I'm still in the mind set that my little baby needs to eat every three hours like a newborn. Silly I know. Maybe that is why my now 7 month old will drink 5 oz. q 3 hrs.when honestly, I know my 20lb girl can drink 6-8oz q 4 hours.

I know that this may seem trival and some mothers may be saying ,"I never had a schedule, I just let them eat and sleep when they wanted to." And I believe its great if you are with your kids all the time and never needed to go run errands or leave them with a caretaker (who I'm sure would greatly appreciate a schedule so as not to be left in the dark). But I would like a life. I would like happy, restful children when I run errands or leave them with a babysitter. I would like to confidently plan an outing a week in advance with no hesitation.

So, now that the time change has occured, I will not be spending 5 hours at a time running errands. Yes, it will be very confining for the first week but falling asleep in the carseat will only detour this process longer. So far today is going well, maybe tomorrow will be even better! Motherhood is definitely a journey, not a guided tour!

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