I have been friends with Lauren for over 10 years. I first met her when I went to St. Agnes in the tenth grade. It was tough for a public school girl to enter the private school arena and a year late at that too. Who would have thought that 70 white girls would be so intolerant?
Thinking to myself one night, "Why did I leave the safety and comfort of my midtown,public school friends? Why the hell did I want to spend my high school years in an all girls school?" I reminded myself of the reason I left which was to keep myself better focused and out of trouble. Sure, I had some midtown croanies already at my new school but no new friends. Not to mention, my public school friends told me they felt "betrayed" that I left. I remember when the phone rang and my dad told me it was for me (it usually was). Yes, this was before when every teenager had a cell phone. To my surprise, it was one of those new Catholic girls and her name was Lauren. Now her last name is up for debate so we'll stick with just "Lauren" throughout these time periods.
From that point on, it seems we have been inseparable. She's the yin to my yang. The Nikki to my Paris. The Angelina to my Jennifer. She's someone that I am not married to; no legal papers to bind us. But in my heart, I know I'll be by her side for the rest of my life. She is my soundboard - my rock. The place where I can go and know that I will never be judged, never ridiculed nor hurt. To call her such an unadorned word such as "friend" may be considered an insult. She is far greater than the boundaries of a friend, she is my sister.

I am thrilled to announce that Lauren has met someone who she can laugh with and love forever. And believe me, she is worse than the princess and the pea, but this one seems to be just right. His name is Brook Farr and he has passed my evaluation with dotted i's and crossed t's. He is a kind and compassionate man who would run into a burning building to save her. Well, he's a firefighter who does that anyway but you get the idea. He is one of those "smart" guys who knows a good thing when they see it so they're not going to mess it up. In fact, its a little boring to never hear her complain about him but maybe like all good things, it'll come with time. :)
They will be getting married on August 7, 2010. Honestly, I never thought this day would come because Lauren doesn't even like to commit to lunch a week in advance. But the day will soon be here and I want to wish them lots of love and good fortune in their days ahead. And I will always be there with open arms and a soundboard to listen - never wavering,never judging. I am so honored to be by my sister's side and to have something I've always wanted - a brother.
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