Eva has reached the big 6 months! She was 17.1# and 26.5 inches at her check-up. This puts her at the 75th% for wt. and ht. So much has changed with our little poober. Besides her favorite rocking back and forth on all fours, she does downward dog. It's not effective in moving forward but it is very entertaining. She does do a good backward crawl which makes Eva very frustrated.
Surprisingly, she pulls herself up all by herself! We had to put the crib mattress down a notch. She is very strong and I'm guessing she'll be an early walker. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. :)

Due to Eva's nursing strikes, we are no longer breastfeeding. I was not ready to quit but it was getting too stressful trying to force her to nurse. And what a liberating feeling! I'm glad I did it for 6 months but its nice to go for a long run!
Speaking of food, she loves avocados and is practicing picking up little puffs. She's holding a 4 ounce bottle and we're working on the sippy cup with juice. She still wakes up for one night feeding which her pediatrician says to keep doing for a little longer since babies who had colic take longer. We just think of her as "special" at 3:00am.
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