The biggest change is that she is moving....quickly! She has mastered crawling and loves to climb. Whenever the dishwasher is open, she moves like lightning to get inside. One of her favorite things to do is also to stare at our front loader washer and dryer. She appears to be attempting "cruising" (holding onto furniture and walking) and she likes to stand and lean against something so she can use both of her hands. It won't be long until she takes that first step!
Eva so far loves to go in her stroller and likes the wind blowing in her hair. :) We need to get her a swing!
Her most prized possession is her lovey - the monkey. Which btw, I cannot find another GUND monkey (10 inches) so if anyone can find one, please tell me!
Eva goes to Parent's Day Out (PDO) at Christ Methodist on Mondays from 9-3. She is very social and likes to touch and play with the other babies. She goes from baby to baby, saying her hellos. Its really sweet. The caretakers are really nice and I'm so happy to have her in a good,secure place.

New finger foods:
brussel sprouts (not a winner)
pieces of turkey/ham
gouda cheese (its a family tradiiton)
citrus (cutie)
broccoli (not a winner)
egg yolk (also, not her fav)
She is very good at picking up food using her thumb and forefinger in the pincer grip. You can see her concentrating on the piece of food and then total focuse goes into getting it just right and then the difficult part - bringing it up to the mouth. I'd say 7 outta 10 times she makes it. And instead of finding the piece that fell, she moves on to a new piece of food. Yes, that's why bibs have that pocket on the bottom.
8 month old Eva will be going on her first plane ride soon!
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