Sunday, February 10, 2013

My not-so-perfect maxi dress

  With warm weather approaching, I decided to attempt my first try at sewing a maxi dress.  To make this I "simply" attached knit fabric (if you have ever sewed on knit, you know there's nothing simple about it) to a tank top with elastic thread. I was nervous about this, but elastic thread really is a MUST! I used this tutorial as a guideline:

1.) I picked this fun green and navy blue stripe knit fabric.  Measure 1.5 times your waist to know how much fabric you'll need. I made sure the stripes were horizontal so I didn't end up looking like beetlejuice.

2.) measure using a yardstick (mine came out to about 45 inches) and cut away
 3.) Sew with zigzag the two right sides together to make your "tube".  Place elastic thread in bobbin and sew the top of your "skirt"

4.)  Cut a tank top where you want to attach the skirt.

 5.)  Place tank top with straps in first and sew using the elastic thread.   I did this wrong because my skirt is came out inside out. oops! luckily both sides are the same (probably why I got confused) so despite seeing the seam its ok.  I'll probably redo it.  Hem it and waaalaaa! You got yourself a maxi dress!

And with the left over fabric you can make a turban. ok no, not really. 



  1. You made me laugh out loud at work with your turban picture.

    Also, damn you for having warm weather soon. Grrr.

  2. Lookin good! But what's this you say about warm weather coming? Our low on Friday is predicted to be 11 F.
