Friday, April 5, 2013

Week at a glance (and a little bit more...)

 I guess I took a month off from blogging... Sometimes, I feel like the last thing I should be doing is wasting my time getting on the laptop to blog because there's a million other important things I need o do while JJ sleeps and Eva is at school.
   However, looking back I'm sure those "really important" things were mundane things like unloading dishwasher, folding laundry, or taking a shower.  Haha.
  The past month has been a busy one with me turning 30 (gasp!) , JJ's chronic ear inf, and the usual craziness of Jay's business.  Here's a good look at what we all do in the morning at 7 am before the craziness begins...
Schwartz family in the morning looking a little rough
my cuddle bug
 Since, I don't want to blog about a whole month, although we had a fabulous easter with the whole family over at our house,  I'll stick to this week.

Monday - Had a great time with friends Andrea and Lauren and their babies/child at my Big Backyard at Botanical Gardens. Between the three of us, we had one 1 month old, two 3 month olds, one 7 month old, one 2 year old, and one 3.5 year old.  We looked like the traveling kid circus.   That is until....we saw a couple with (no I'm not kidding) a set of triplet toddlers AND a set of triplet newborns!!! We just all stared in disbelief that anybody would want more kids after 1 set of triplets.

Tues - Yay Stomach Bug! No, actually it was awful.  Eva recovered fast but there was a mountain of laundry to do.  Luckily, she was the only one that got it AND nothing came out the other end (sorry if that's too much info).

Wed - What did I do Wed?  Oh yeah, I procrastinated finishing laundry by having the twins come over to visit :)  JJ loved touching Harry's toes and looking at pretty Posey.
Harry working on his dance moves

 Thurs - My FAVORITE day of the week!  JJ and Eva both go to school! And I get to go to spin class and then whatever else I want to do.  Actually, I end up frantically running into a million stores and then cleaning the house so its not that glamorous.

Friday - Today was fun - finally got to meet my friend Laura's baby Henry.  And I cannot believe I didn't get a picture.  He has the most hair I've ever seen on a baby :)  He is a cutie and mom and baby are solely nursing.  You go momma Laura!   Heading over to my mom's soon to get plants to go in the front where we now have a huge sun spot.  Oh yeah, thank goodness the sun has returned!  I can't take one more rainy day!

 Jay and I worked together as a team to paint the back room a soft green- amazing that Jay actually painted!  I love how it turned out!


I figured out how to make cake pops - thanks Katie Baker for helping me!
I got my monogrammer to work again for a day 
                                my weekly craft project - painted burlap for an upcoming baby shower (yes, I know, its chevron)

                Eva's Easter Goodie Basket
                                                            this is the Easter Bunny that woke up Eva - poor girl


watch out - we have a jumper in the house!
somebody needs to tell Eva that one day this little squirt is going to be a lot bigger than her