Ok, so I went back to work in 2010 and that's when the blog stopped. But now that I'm home again, I have ample time to blog. Well, maybe not ample time. But lots has changed since 2010. In brief, we moved to a bigger house in summer of 2011 in what some people would call East Memphis while others consider it more "University Area". Depends on where you originate I guess. Its a great location on Walnut Grove(new windows have helped with noise) outside High Point Terrace. We got an awesome deal on it at the expense of some work that needed to be done in which we redid floors, windows, 1 bathroom, paint, new appliances (house came with none), granite in kitchen, and landscaping. WHEW. We still have a bunch to do but happy with the progress we have made on it.
I am working now PRN as a Dietitian at baptist desoto, but I probably won't be working much since Jay works 6 days a week owning his own electrical business - Jay Alan Schwartz Electric co.
Eva is now 3 and goes to preschool! Wow, time flies. She goes to St. Lukes preschool 3 x a week. Its a nice,small sized methodist preschool where she takes chinese (yes, chinese),music class as well as dance and gymnastics and chapel. Its conveniently located by our new house in East Memphis so that's awesome when I'm running behind and have only 10 minutes before she needs to get picked up at 3:00. And my wonderful husband takes her to school everyday! So I can remain in pajamas basically until 3:00 everyday. She is definitely 3 and can be a sassy pants but she's a sweetie who loves anything purple or princess.
Eva's "thinking" tongue. |
Jay Alan Schwartz, Jr. |
And we had another baby on August 25, 2012 - Jay Alan Schwartz, Jr. Our son "JJ' is now 4 months old and is trying to roll from his back and can tool from tummy. JJ is quite long and he wearing 6 month clothes for the length. He found his toes and loves them! He is gnawing on everything, especially my face so there's some teeth coming soon. He especially loves his sister, he just smiles and laughs at her all day long. Its really sweet - I cannot wait until they are old enough to play together. He is already a seasoned traveller, we flew back from Iowa for Thanksgiving and did great.
So, in a nutshell that's all - happy to be back blogging to share my creative side and family with friends and family!