Ok, so I'm not the best at blogging but I'm going to try to do better. Eva is 5 months now and its amazing how fast the time flies by. In a nutshell, I decided to quit my job to stay at home while Eva is a baby and it was the best decision I ever made. I get to see every little milestone and laugh and she loves to laugh!
Her acid reflux are improved so much that she is no longer on any medication and seems to be doing very well.
As of only two days ago, Eva was staying with Auntie Alice one afternoon when she pulled herself into crawl position! I couldn't believe it since she's only 5 months but pretty soon her rocking back and forth motion will turn into a crawl and then we'll really have our work cut out for us.
We are still nursing even though it seems to be just on one side which is not as abnormal as it may sound.
She has started eating solid food in her bumbo seat and enjoys prunes and sweet potatoes. She is also a big fan of prune-apple juice and its so cute to watch her hold her bottle. We will be needing a high-chair very soon.
At her 6 month check up we'll get an exact wt. and ht. but I think she's around 15 pounds and 24inches.
We are looking forward to meet Eva's cousins, Miles and Olivia, who are due only 2 weeks apart! Exciting! Eva and I will be flying to meet cousin Miles on May 6th and I hope that the flight goes smoothly. Its so nice for Eva to have cousins so close in age. I know they'll be grow up to be good friends. We look forward to meeting our new family members (XOXOXO) and I'll soon post an update on our busy summer plans of weddings, Rhode Island, and the midwest!!!